maths for clat Archives - ForumCLAT Academy Simply the best! Fri, 05 Jan 2024 12:16:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 174432607 Maths for CLAT: Practice Passage #13 Fri, 05 Jan 2024 12:16:47 +0000 The Indian Railways is planning to introduce new trains on a specific route. The decision-makers are faced with several constraints […]

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The Indian Railways is planning to introduce new trains on a specific route. The decision-makers are faced with several constraints regarding the number of trains (T), total passengers (P), and revenue generation (R). The route can support a maximum of 5 trains per day. Each train has a capacity of 200 passengers. The fare per passenger is set at ₹500. However, for each additional train, the average occupancy drops by 10%. The first train always runs at full capacity.


  1. What is the maximum potential revenue if all trains run at full capacity?
    A) ₹2,50,000
    B) ₹5,00,000
    C) ₹10,00,000
    D) ₹25,00,000
  2. If only three trains run and each train runs at the respective reduced capacity, what is the total revenue generated?
    A) ₹2,70,000
    B) ₹3,00,000
    C) ₹3,30,000
    D) ₹3,60,000
  3. What is the maximum number of passengers that can be transported if four trains are operating?
    A) 600
    B) 720
    C) 800
    D) 920
  4. At what point (number of trains) does adding another train not increase total revenue?
    A) 3 trains
    B) 4 trains
    C) 5 trains
    D) Revenue always increases with more trains


1.Answer: D) ₹25,00,000

  • Explanation: Maximum capacity is 5 trains × 200 passengers/train = 1000 passengers. At ₹500/passenger, maximum potential revenue is 1000 × 500 = ₹25,00,000.

2. Answer: C) ₹3,30,000

  • Explanation: 1st train: 100% capacity = 200 passengers. 2nd train: 90% of 200 = 180 passengers. 3rd train: 80% of 200 = 160 passengers. Total passengers = 200 + 180 + 160 = 540. Total revenue = 540 × ₹500 = ₹3,30,000.

3. Answer: B) 720

  • Explanation: 1st train: 200 passengers. 2nd train: 90% of 200 = 180. 3rd train: 80% of 200 = 160. 4th train: 70% of 200 = 140. Total = 200 + 180 + 160 + 140 = 720 passengers.

4. Answer: B) 4 trains

  • Explanation: With each additional train, occupancy drops by 10%, so by the 4th train, the occupancy is 70% (of 200). Adding a 5th train would reduce occupancy to 60%, not increasing total revenue significantly as the drop in occupancy outweighs the benefit of adding another train.

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Maths for CLAT 2025 : Practice Passage #5 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:19:04 +0000 A town is planning to build a new bridge over a river. The bridge needs to be constructed in such […]

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A town is planning to build a new bridge over a river. The bridge needs to be constructed in such a way that it connects two key points of the town, which are 500 meters apart across the river. The construction budget allows for a maximum expenditure of $200,000. The cost of constructing the bridge is calculated based on its length and the materials used. The cost per meter for construction is $250. Additionally, there are fixed costs associated with planning and legal permissions amounting to $25,000.


  1. What is the total estimated cost of constructing the bridge?

A) $150,000

B) $200,000

C) $150,000 plus fixed costs

D) $125,000 plus fixed costs

2. If the town decides to extend the bridge by 100 meters for aesthetic reasons, will it stay within the budget?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Only if they reduce the fixed costs

D) Cannot be determined

3. How much of the budget is allocated for the fixed costs in percentage?

A) 12.5%

B) 10%

C) 15%

D) 20%

4. If the construction cost per meter is reduced to $200, how much will the town save on the bridge construction (excluding fixed costs)?

A) $50,000

B) $75,000

C) $25,000

D) $100,000


  1. Answer: D) $125,000 plus fixed costs
    1. Explanation: The construction cost is $250 per meter for a 500-meter bridge, which amounts to 500×250=$125,000. Adding the fixed costs of $25,000, the total cost is $125,000+$25,000=$150,000.
  2. Answer: A) Yes
    1. Explanation: Extending the bridge by 100 meters adds 100×250=$25,000 to the cost. The original cost is $150,000, so the new total would be $150,000+$25,000=$175,000 which is within the budget of $200,000.
  3. Answer: A) 12.5%
    1. Explanation: The fixed costs are $25,000, and the total budget is $200,000. The percentage is 25,000/200,000×100=12.5%.
  4. Answer: C) $25,000
    1. Explanation: The original cost per meter is $250, reduced to $200. The saving per meter is 250−200=$50. For a 500-meter bridge, the total saving is 500×50=$25,000.

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